All services that ARN provides are free and confidential.
These include but are not limited to:
ARN has a designated room for clients to meet with a staff member. We want to make sure the client is as comfortable as possible. The room is quiet, private, and safe.
These include but are not limited to:
- personal advocacy (accompany and advocate at forensic exams, police reports, etc.)
- legal advocacy (assisting with protection orders and restraining orders, court companion)
- crisis intervention (emergency safe shelter, safety planning)
- emotional support (being a friend, goal setting, individualized counseling)
- substance abuse counseling services
- therapy services
- transportation (to/from needed court dates/medical appointments)
- information & referrals (victim rights, another shelter/agency, mental health)
- financial advocacy (rental assistance, gas, food/clothes, etc)
ARN has a designated room for clients to meet with a staff member. We want to make sure the client is as comfortable as possible. The room is quiet, private, and safe.